Para Meadows School

A successful leader in Special Education

Telephone02 4229 1922


Medication at school

The administration of prescribed medication in schools is carried out by staff who are trained. Except in an emergency, only individual staff members who have been trained will administer prescribed medication to students.

When a medical practitioner has prescribed medication that must be administered during the school day, parents/carers must:

  • notify the school
  • provide up to date information as required
  • supply the medication and any 'consumables' necessary for its administration in a timely way.

The administration of such medication forms part of the department's common law duty of care to take reasonable steps to keep students safe while they attend school. 

Parents/carers of children who require prescibed medication to be administered at school must complete a written request. Students must not carry medications unless there is a written agreement between the school and the student's parents/carers. 

A letter of indemnity will be provided to parents/carers from the school confirming arrangements for the administration of the student's short term medication at school.

An Administration of Medication form will be sent home to be completed by the doctor or pharmacist for long term medications related to the student's health care plan.

The principal must store all copies of the written medical advice and any other relevant documentation in a secure and confidential manner.

Emergency care

Schools do not generally supply or administer medications in an emergency unless they have been provided by parents as part of an individal health care plan for a specific student.

In an emergency which has not been anticipated in the emergency/response care section of an individual health care plan, staff will provide a general emergency response (for example, call an ambulance). where an emergency response requires the immediate administration of medication to prevent serious illness or injury, staff should administer the required medication.

Non-prescribed medications

Schools generally don't administer medication that hasn't  been requested for an individual student's specific condition. In some cases the medical practitioner may not write a prescription for such medication becasue it may be available 'over the counter'. NSW Health advises that 'over the counter' medication may still be harmful and that schools should follow the same procedures for non-prescribed medications as for prescribed medications.

Download and use the following policies and forms:-

Administration of Prescribed Medication Policy

Administration of Prescribed Medication Authorisation Form To be updated with any change in medication, including dose or time.

Medication Indemnity - Intermittent

Asthma Action Plan

ASCIA Action Plan Anaphylaxis