On Wednesday 27th May, as part of the National Simultaneous Storytime we will be joining lots of other schools, preschools, and families reading Whitney and Britney Chicken Divas By Lucinda Gifford.
We are going to have a Mufti Day so come to school dressed as a DIVA, with all the bling, sequins, feather boas, tiaras, glitter or anything bright and colourful. If you are at home on Wednesday please share how you dressed as a DIVA too.
Here is a link to the Australian Library and Information Association - National Simultaneous Storytime,
On the site it tell you all about them and why they put on this event, talk aout the book and author and also have a lot of great reasourses that we wll be doing at school on the day, which have also been added below.
If you register you can download a digital copy for the day or use the school Storybox log in to see Emma Wiggle read the story or tune in to ABC Kids or ABC Kids iveiw at 11am to listen to the story aswell.
Here is the Key Word Signing (PDF 685KB) for the story for you to use.
Enjoy reading Lisa
NSS20 Colour-in Posters (PDF 1874KB)
Resource Pack (PDF 1497 KB)
Activity Pack (PDF 1367 KB)
Maze (PDF 505 KB)
Code Breaker (PDF 496KB)
Rhyming Words (PDF 511KB)
Sudokus (PDF 575 KB) Answers (PDF 618KB)
Match Rhyming Words (PDF 502KB)
Word Find (PDF 501KB)
Origami (PDF 505KB)
Acrostic Poem (PDF 512KB)
Craft (PDF 585KB)
Find-A-Word (PDF 515KB)